Modern companies are very complex systems which operate in very lively contexts, strongly connected to international markets. All the activities require particularly advanced technics and lean tools to manage projects and processes, inside and outside the organisation.
Every office inside your enterprise ( design, project management, technical activities, manufacturing ..) has huge possibilities to improve the global added value realised every year. If you ask to one of your employees how much waste of time there is during his daily routine, he will answer that presentations, unnecessary meetings, chasing information all around and other stuff, make him waste almost half day. It means that in many situations, your company is losing 50% of its cost without adding any value to your customers.
AN Consulting can improve your tools of “lean project management” to reach your strategic targets, with respect of timing and cost. Moreover you may add more value from your investments and reduce any kind of company waste. We are by your side since the beginning of our consultant activity, to involve all your time, to make them feel comfortable and successful in this change of culture and in the adoption of the new project management processes.